Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Former Teachers/Educators and the news

There are a lot of former educators in society for a variety of reasons, chief among them is retirement. However, there are those who were in the profession for less than five years who left for one reason or another, there are those who were substitutes, and there are professionals who taught as adjuncts part time.
You do not hear much about these folks and their contributions to society, that is, unless of course they do something wrong. When you are an educator and you are doing good you do not get a lot of attention, in fact you are often anonymous; when you do wrong the headline (blasted across) is always “former teacher/educator.”.
This is an interesting phenomenon and one that still remains quite consistent with certain elements of our society, with teachers being near the top of that list.
Why is this?
Dr Flavius A B Akerele III
The ETeam

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