Friday, June 21, 2013


I saw this today and thought: is this progress?

“In a Rare Collaboration, Researchers Will Study Student-Loan Counseling at DeVry U.”comment

“Many academics say they have a hard time conducting unfettered research on students at for-profit colleges. And just about everyone says that all students, but particularly those who are first-generation college students from from lower-income families, need better counseling about the loans they are assuming to go to college”.

“Now two professors at the University of Wisconsin at Madison will attempt to bridge both challenges with a new six-year study set to begin this September at DeVry University”.

“The researchers, Sara Goldrick-Rab, an associate professor of educational-policy studies and sociology, and J. Michael Collins, an assistant professor of consumer science, will be studying the borrowing practices of 10,000 online students at DeVry”.

“All of the students in the study will receive loan counseling through a special online portal offering basic, intermediate, or intensive levels of loan counseling that the researchers will design. Students will be assigned randomly to one of the levels. Then, with the cooperation of DeVry, the researchers will track the students’ borrowing patterns and academic progress”.

It is possible for “traditional” and “for-profit” educators to work together! Let us see more of this!

Dr Flavius A B Akerele III

The ETeam                                               

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