Friday, October 18, 2013

Sharing a nice thought today 10/18/13

Sometimes it is good to just end the week on a positive note, no matter what is glaring at you. I enjoyed this article, so it is time to share!
“Teachers, Don't Forget Joy”
“As another school year moves into high gear, I would like to offer a few thoughts”.
“Not long ago, the room where classmates and I met for our 50th high school reunion buzzed with all the conversations you'd expect: children, grandchildren, retirement, travels, and where we lived. But there was also another equally important conversation—about our teachers and why we remembered them. "She told me I was a writer," one former classmate said. "I loved math because of him." "I wish he'd only lived a little longer; I had so hoped to tell him of the impact he had on my life." "I became a teacher because of her." I wondered as I listened and shared similar musings what my former students might say about me when they think of our time together. Would joy come to their minds?”
“Shortly after the reunion, a group of colleagues gathered in my den to spend a day with a noted literacy expert. We talked of all the rich research we have to help our students grow smarter as readers, writers, and thinkers. We talked of programs and the promises they make, and what they can't and don't deliver. We lamented the squeeze on educational funding. And we pondered the role that poverty and the absence of books in homes plays in children's lives. As I sat with some of the smartest and most dedicated educators I know, I couldn't help but sense that we had overlooked something in our discussion”.
“And then suddenly it hit me as I was sitting there, learning among my friends and colleagues. It was joy. A simple, three-letter word we take for granted. Struck by its simplicity, I wondered if joy is what we've been missing in the recent conversations about education that we've been having as a country”.
Have a joyous weekend
Dr Flavius A B Akerele III
The ETeam

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