In a recent article titled “put your money where your Adjuncts are”,
the main theme is lack of funding
opportunities for adjuncts. I do believe lack of funding opportunities is a
huge understatement, considering how many institutions depend on adjuncts
nowadays to teach their classes. In the nontraditional market, adjuncts are the
majority faculty.
Some schools like to talk proudly about their “practitioner
model” of instruction versus “research model”, and in theory having someone who
is currently working in what their teaching should benefit students, especially
the growing population of nontraditional students. However, how many times do
we see classes not filled by a professor until the last minute (professor is
consequently unprepared), or classes cancelled because they could not find a
professor? This is a symptom of not paying your adjunct professors and treating
them as second-class citizens.
It is important that adjuncts feel they are part of the greater
school community, their input should be included with current curriculum,
advancement opportunities should exist, and good adjuncts should be valued and
cherished. Unfortunately, many institutions attitude today is “oh there are
more where they came from”, so turnover for adjuncts can be large. Teaching
requirements have also gone up, especially with new technology/software and
delivery methods such as online/hybrid being introduced, but instructor
training is often not given, or if it is, not in a meaningful and helpful way. What
that means is more pre-class preparation, more class work, and more post-class
work, for less pay. Do we not want out instructors to be successful? Why set
them up for failure? Why set the stage for easily preventable student complaints?
Where are the professional development opportunities for
adjuncts such as conferences or in-house training? Adjuncts who want earn a
terminal degree often are not allowed to take classes or degree programs at the
free or reduced rate that regular staff or faculty is allowed to, unless of course they are
teaching the equivalent of full time load. If you know any fulltime adjuncts,
you know they often have to work at multiple institutions just to make a full
time load.
So, what is the solution? I think some of the things I have
mentioned would be a good start, but it would have to go hand in hand with a
major culture change:
Value your adjuncts, remember they are teaching your
students, and students today are looking for a place that is going to help them
get a job. Good instructors can help get them there.
Dr. Flavius A B Akerele III
The ETeam
The ETeam
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