These articles speak for themselves and make for a great
conversation, so please chime in!
“California Groups
Urge Schools to Spend on Student Support Staff, Not Police”
California groups released a policy brief today that asks school districts in
the state to use new funding to lessen the gap in spending between school
security and student support and engagement initiatives.”
overreliance on school-based police in many districts, including many that
serve large numbers of poor and minority students, has led to overly harsh
discipline and too many referrals of students to the justice system, the Los
Angeles-based Labor/Community Strategy Center's Community Rights Campaign and
the Oakland-based Black Organizing Project said in the report.”
have watched our school budgets be increasingly devoted to
law-enforcement-based school security strategies at the expense of vital
support and educational services that students need," said the report,
called "The New Separate and Unequal: Using California's Local Control
Funding Formula to Dismantle the School-to-Prison Pipeline."”
the whole thing here: http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/rulesforengagement/2014/03/california_groups_urge_schools_to_spend_on_student_support_staff_not_police.html?cmp=ENL-EU-NEWS3

are not the enemy!
“The Adjunct Is In. But Is She Getting Paid?”
“Earlier this semester, Betsy Smith asked students in her
intermediate ESL course at Cape Cod Community College to read Bridge to
Terabithia, the children’s-lit classic. The request came with an
assignment: Everyone in the class was to hold a presentation exploring one
cultural aspect of the book.”
“One student, a guitar player from Brazil, wanted to
present on Bob Dylan’s “Blowin’ in the Wind,” which figures briefly in the
novel. At the start of a class session—the course is held every Wednesday night
from 6:30 to 9:30—he told Smith he could use some help with the musical portion
of his presentation. He asked the professor: Can we meet during your office
hours to go over some ideas?”
“For many professors, that’d be a standard request. But
Smith is an adjunct, and she shares her office with as many as 18 other
part-time professors.”
““I don’t have office hours,” she told the student. He
gave her a puzzled look. “
“Students still tend to assume that there are set hours
each week when they can count on finding their professors seated at their
desks, ready to help all comers. But the push and pull over office hours is a
daily challenge for adjuncts, who make up the majority of faculty in academe.
For one thing, there’s the fact that most part-time faculty, like Smith, don’t
have their own private office spaces. Adjuncts are also often pressed for time,
especially if they’re cobbling together multiple gigs at different institutions
to make ends meet. On top of that, there’s the money issue: Most adjuncts are
not compensated for the hours they put in helping students outside the
“For Smith, compensation (or lack thereof) is the key
factor. She would be happy to meet with her students during set office hours,
she says, if her college agreed to pay her for holding them.”
Read the whole thing here: https://chroniclevitae.com/news/382-the-adjunct-is-in?cid=oh&utm_source=oh&utm_medium=en

This one will be an interesting debate.
I hope your week is going well and please remember to
keep all discussions productive and respectful.
Dr Flavius A B Akerele III
The ETeam
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