Sunday, September 1, 2019

Non-Partisan Elections

There was a time at the local level, that all elections were non-partisan, political parties were not included at all, and quite frankly not needed. We have seen that creep away quickly over the last 15 years, and we need to go back to that.

Let’s take it a step further and suggest that we do that at more national levels of politics as well because party affiliations have simply divided people into three tribe, with two of the tribes on the verge of civil war and the third (really mixed smaller tribes) wondering what the heck is going?!
Between 1861 to 1865 we have had tribes fighting, and it led to a huge number of deaths, and we still have not reconciled that fight it seems.  There are still actual children of soldiers from that fight still alive today, collecting VA benefits.

Anyway, I digress, so let me put it in simple terms. I am tired of political parties going at each other in the way we are seeing now, nothing is getting accomplished, and remember the parties (tribes) are not the same now as they were after 1865, that is a simple fact.

People are voting the party without considering the candidate for that party, and a lot of these candidates are coming up short. Can you also imagine the money we could save without primary elections? How much good could be done with those billions of dollars in saving?!

Slavery does exist still, both literal, and in this case figuratively. Some of you are slaves to a political system that you do not even understand, really care about (you are just programmed to care), and it certainly does not care about you. Blind loyalty means the blind are leading the blind.

Notice how I did not mention political party names? I know each group is going to read this the way they see fit and understand, and that is ok because that means you have stopped posting your rhetoric on the internet for a couple of minutes to think.

Dr Flavius A B Akerele III
The ETeam

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