Monday, January 26, 2015

Stories worth reading January 26 2015

Educators we still have some work to do:

“Racial Profiling on Campus?”

“$25,000 Settlement for Student Stopped for Arabic Flashcards”

And the story that never ends but should have ended long ago:

“Rave Reviews for Film on Sex Assaults on Campus”

Let us remember our campuses should be safe places of learning, and students are not the enemy.


Dr Flavius A B Akerele III

The ETeam

Monday, January 12, 2015

Grade Challenges

I get my fair share of grade challenges, especially from my graduate students. It is not uncommon for several students to email me at the beginning of a class saying “professor I need an A”.  However, those same students are usually the ones who are absent and not turning in work, and then they get surprised when they do not get the grade they want. Of course they challenge the grade, and while there has not been a successful grade challenge yet, the process is still time consuming and I think some students are hoping I will just cave.

Looking at a blog today: “A Student Is Challenging Her Grade, But My Computer Ate My Records. Help!” ( , I realize this is more common then I had hoped.

How do you deal with grade challenges?

Dr Flavius A B Akerele III

The ETeam

Monday, January 5, 2015

The continued problem of punishment

I have written about punishment before, about the inequity between the rich and the poor. Punishment does not always equate to justice and often creates more poverty.
Case in point: "How Driver's License Suspensions Unfairly Target The Poor"
This is an interesting story which demonstrates quite clear some of imbalances within the justice system.
Why am I an educator writing about this? Because I believe this is an educational issue across the board, from the school systems, law enforcement, court systems, and the government. How often have we heard and seen those in privileged position be excused for something a poor person would get hard time for?
This issue needs to be examined because the imbalance seems to be getting worse.
Punishment is not always justice.
Dr Flavius A B Akerele III
The ETeam