Tuesday, November 10, 2020

My father often reminds me

 Not that I have failed at anything recently, but COVID has made things dificult; for all of us. My father pulled out this gem he had us learn as kids. Thanks Dad!

Dr Flavius Akerele III, The ETeam

Try Try Again

by T. H. Palmer

'Tis a lesson you should heed,
If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try again;

Then your courage should appear,
For if you will persevere,
You will conquer, never fear
Try, try again;

Once or twice, though you should fail,
If you would at last prevail,
Try, try again;

If we strive, 'tis no disgrace
Though we do not win the race;
What should you do in the case?
Try, try again

If you find your task is hard,
Time will bring you your reward,
Try, try again

All that other folks can do,
Why, with patience, should not you?
Only keep this rule in view:
Try, try again.