- Fact: United States incarcerates more people than any other country in the world.
- Fact: United States has 25% of the world’s prison population
- Fact: Recidivism is extremely high and prison has become a revolving door
- Fact: There is very little ‘correction’ in correctional facilities, and few opportunities to improve yourself
Knowing this, why are we afraid of trying something
different such as what this next article is about?
“Prison U.”
“New York Governor Andrew Cuomo wants to bring professors back
into prisons 20 years after Congress and one of his predecessors cut funding
for inmate higher education.”
“Congress and the Clinton administration ended Pell Grant funding
for prisoners in 1994, effectively cutting off funds for most college education
in prisons. New York followed suit a year later and made sure its inmates
couldn’t get funding from the state’s Tuition Assistance Program either.”
“Now, Cuomo has proposed a plan -- drawing fire from many -- that
he says will save money by giving prisoners a better chance to find jobs and
stay out of trouble once they are released.”
“The federal and state moves in the 1990s left many prisons
without any higher education offerings, except for relatively small programs
offered by private groups. Cuomo's plan is an unusual effort by a powerful
politician to put real money into college programs behind bars.”
“"We’re imprisoning. We’re isolating. But we’re not
rehabilitating the way we should,” Cuomo said this month when he announced the plan to a church
gathering of the state’s Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative
Caucus. “We’re not correcting the way we should. We’re not improving the way we
“The governor wants to better-prepare prisoners for life after
jail and cut New York’s recidivism rate of 40 percent, which is still below the
national average.”
Read the whole thing here: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2014/02/28/new-yorks-governor-wants-pay-prisoners-college-education
What is wrong with trying to prevent people going back to jail for
the same reasons? What is wrong with true rehabilitation?
Is this the correct solution? I do not know, however, we cannot be
afraid and simply reject the conversation out of hand.
Education does not hurt anybody.
Dr Flavius A B Akerele III
The ETeam